2007年10月30日上午8:30在李文政樓北402會議室有荷蘭TUD 大學Professor J.R. Long 做講座,歡迎同學們參加。
題目: Design of integrated radio transceiver front-ends in submicron and deep submicron CMOS technologies
Presenter: Professor J.R. Long, TU Delft
Presenter: Professor J.R. Long, TU Delft
Abstract: The design of front-end electronics in CMOS technology are described in this presentation. Both low-voltage/low-power and high performance aspects of front-ends for highly-integrated radio transceivers are treated, using low-noise amplifier, mixer and voltage- controlled oscillator blocks as examples. In addition, the limitations and advantages of on-chip passive components in RF circuits, which are important to low-voltage circuits suitable for integration in advanced CMOS technologies, are included. Single-chip narrowband (e.g., Bluetooth, 802.11x), ultrawideband/broadband and multi-standard transceiver applications will be highlighted.
Instructor biography: John Long received the M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees in Electronics from Carleton University in 1992 and 1996, respectively. He worked for 10 years at Bell-Northern Research on Gbit/s fiber systems, and for 5 years at the University of Toronto. Professor Long joined the Delft University of Technology in 2002 as Chair of the Electronics Research Laboratory His current research interests include: low-power transceiver circuitry for broadband and highly-integrated radios, and electronics for high-speed datacomm systems.
TUD的RF實力比較強,和射光所和這裡的RF組比較相似 (http://duteela.et.tudelft.nl/),由IEEE Fellow Prof.dr. John Long領銜,主要為射頻電路設計,也有部分微波電路(這裡的微波電路和器件有專門的組(HiTeC - Laboratory of High-Frequency Technology & Components),歐洲非常強有力的項目組,擁有自己的CLEAN ROOM,隻有矽片不産,其他都可以自産;模拟電路設計和這裡的Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory, 由3個IEEE FELLOW領銜,主要分為2個方向: prof. dr. P.J. French IEEE Fellow,主要方向為醫療器械傳感器,MEMS方向,師從 prof.dr.dr.h.c. ir. S. Middelhoek , IEEE Fellow,獲得IEEE百年獎章; dr. K.A.A. MakinwaIEEE SENIOR Member,主要為ADC等模拟電路設計,其師從 prof. dr. ir. J.H. Huijsing,IEEE Fellow。通信方向在微電子系為:Prof. dr. ir. Patrick DewildeIEEE Fellow