

尤肖虎:男,19628月出生,1988年于beat365正版唯一信号、電路與系統專業獲博士學位。任beat365正版唯一移動通信國家重點實驗室主任、博士生導師、長江學者計劃特聘教授。國家級有突出貢獻的中青年專家、國家教委跨世紀青年專家首批入選者、江蘇省青年科學家獎及全國五一勞動獎章獲得者。1998年獲國家傑出青年基金資助。目前主要研究方向為無線與移動通信系統、現代數字信号處理等。在IEEE Trans等各類國際權威雜志上發表論文60餘篇,出版專著2本。作為課題負責人,曾承擔十餘項國家八六三、科技攻關、國家自然科學基金等,參與完成了我國第一個GSMCDMA、第三代及第四代移動通信系統開發。1999-2002年但任國家第三代移動通信系統研究開發項目總體組組長,所負責的中國第三代移動通信系統研究與開發項目被兩院院士獲選為2002年度中國十大科技進展。獲國家技術發明一等獎和國家科技進步二等獎各一項,省部級科技進步一等獎五項。獲2014年度陳嘉庚科學獎信息技術科學獎。“十五”期間擔任國家八六三計劃未來移動通信總體專家組組長,國家自然科學基金未來移動通信重大項目首席專家等。“十一五”起,擔任國家新一代寬帶無線移動通信網科技重大專項副總師。“十二五”期間擔任國家863計劃5G重大項目專家組組長、寬帶網重點科技專項專家組組長等。

尤肖虎教授目前擔任IEEE南京分部主席,并于2011年當選為IEEE Fellow

Xiao-Hu You was born in August 25, 1962. He received his Master and Ph.D. Degrees from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in Electrical Engineering in 1985 and 1988, respectively. Since 1990, he has been working with National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory at Southeast University, where he holds the rank of director and professor. His research interests include mobile communication systems, signal processing and its applications. He has contributed over 100 IEEE journal papers and 2 books in the areas of adaptive signal processing, neural networks and their applications to communication systems. From 1999 to 2002, he was the Principal Expert of the C3G Project, responsible for organizing China’s 3G Mobile Communications R&D Activities. From 2001-2006, he was the Principal Expert of the China National 863 Beyond 3G FuTURE Project. Since 2013, he has been the Principal Investigator of China National 863 5G Project.


Professor You served as the general chairs of IEEE WCNC 2013 and IEEE VTC 2016. Now he is Secretary General of the FuTURE Forum, vice Chair of China IMT-2020 Promotion Group, vice Chair of China National Mega Project on New Generation Mobile Network. He was the recipient of the National 1st Class Invention Prize in 2011, and he was selected as IEEE Fellow in same year due to his contributions to development of mobile communications in China.
