2018年5月“現代無線通信論壇”( Workshop on Advances in Wireless Communications 2018)


beat365正版唯一移動通信國家重點實驗室将于20185414:00-17:00201871814:00-18:00在榴園賓館逸夫館報告廳舉辦2018年度現代無線通信論壇 Workshop on Advances in Wireless Communications 2018)。本次論壇邀請了六位在國際無線通信和信号處理領域享有很高聲譽的著名學者,歡迎感興趣的老師和同學屆時前往聆聽。


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Prof. Justin P. Coon

(University of Oxford, UK)

Title: On the entropy of wireless networks


Abstract: As the era of 5G and the IoT looms, the densities and complexities of wireless networks are increasing at an astonishing rate.  It is particularly interesting, and rather unsettling, that this evolution is taking place without a full understanding of whether or not this scaling is sustainable, or even possible.  The reason for this omission is primarily due to the fact that, until now, the engineering community has not had a quantitative framework for analyzing wireless network properties such as scalability, complexity, topological uncertainty, and stability.  In this talk, we will introduce such a framework by developing the formalism of spatial graph entropy in the context of wireless communication networks.  After providing a pedagogical introduction to this topic, we will present a number of analytical results reported over the last two years, and propose potential uses for the new formalism to enhance wireless network performance.

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Prof. Hamid Jafarkhani

(University of California, Irvine, USA)

Title: Node Deployment in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks


Abstract:Wireless networks of the future, such as the Internet of Things, are envisioned to be highly heterogeneous. In many applications, one is interested in optimally deploying a network of nonidentical nodes to a certain area of interest. These networks may include a multitude of connected autonomous nodes in one or more tiers. We formulate these deployment problems as quantizer design problems where different distortion measures should be associated with different quantization indices. We discuss fundamental design challenges like the best spatial deployment of nodes to minimize the energy consumption or maximize the sensing accuracy while guaranteeing network connectivity. This is done by developing a quantization theory of heterogeneous reproduction points. We will discuss the characteristics of such a heterogeneous quantization theory and show that some of the standard results of the traditional quantization theory, including Gersho's conjecture, do not hold.



12:40 校車出發(橘園無線谷班車點->會場)

13:50-14:00 開幕式,尤肖虎老師主持;

14:00-17:00 專家報告

17:00 - 17:45 晚餐

18:00 校車返回(會場->橘園)


