學術報告 | 基于5G的霧計算網絡建模與分布式優化


題目:Modeling andDistributed Optimization for 5G-enabledFog Computing Networks


時間:9月18日, 10:30-11:30



摘要:Fog computing is a virtualized network architecture that uses one or a collaborative multitude of end-user clients or near-user edge devices to carry out a substantial amount of storage, communication, and control, configuration, measurement, and management. It can offload workload from cloud data centers, reduce the transmission latency, improve the system reliability, and ease traffic congestion of the Internet. It also enables many new services and applications that cannot fit well in the traditional cloud computing architecture. In this talk, I will first briefly introduce the recent developments in the mobile cloud and fog computing. I will then introduce two important performance metrics for fog computing networks: quality-of-experience (QoE) and power efficiency. A fundamental tradeoff between QoE and power efficiency will then be discussed. Motivated by the observation that the users’ QoE can be further improved if the workload offloading process of each fog node can be helped by others, I also talk about a fog computing framework with fog node cooperation. The QoE and power efficiency tradeoff under cooperative fog computing will be discussed. Recently, standardization bodies including 3GPP andETSI have included fog computing as the key component in 5G networks. We introduce a novel concept called dynamic network slicing for implementing fog computing into the 5G’s service-base architecture (SBA). In this concept, the limited computational resources can be sliced and reserved according to the traffic demands and Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of various supported services. We propose a stochastic overlapping coalition-formation game-based framework to investigate distributed cooperation and joint network slicing between fog nodes under randomly fluctuating resource availability, workload arrival processes, and QoS demands. Applications of 5G-enabled fog computing networks in the Tactile Internet and smart vehicular systems will be discussed. Finally, I will also talk about my current works on designing fog computing-enabled self-driving vehicular systems and security-enhanced mechanism for workload forwarding/redistribution in fog computing networks.



肖泳目前是華中科技大學電子信息與通信學院教授、博士生導師、國家“青年千人”、5G聯創行業應用開發實驗室副主任。于2006年和2012年分别在香港科技大學和新加坡南洋理工大學獲得碩士和博士學位。博士畢業後曾在南洋理工大學、愛爾蘭聖三一學院、美國休斯頓大學和美國麻省理工學院等歐美名校從事博士後研究工作。2016年9月到2018年8月在亞利桑那大學擔任研究助理教授,同時兼任美國自然科學基金NSF大學與工業聯合研究計劃資助的大型研究中心Center Manager。曾主持兩項美國自然科學基金與工業界聯合資助項目。在國際頂級期刊和會議發表論文超過60篇。他目前是CCF A類推薦期刊IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing的編委會成員,并擔任超過20多個專業主流期刊和會議的技術委員會成員。他是IEEE資深會員。他的研究興趣包括無線通信、雲/霧/邊緣計算、機器學習、5G通信技術等。其他更多信息請參見他的個人主頁:http://eic.hust.edu.cn/professor/xiaoyong/
