“無限未來”學術論壇 | Radio Maps for Wireless Communications and Localization(11.17)


報告人:陳俊挺,香港中文大學(深圳) 未來智聯網絡研究院

講座題目:Radio Maps for Wireless Communications and Localization




How to enhance the intelligence for wireless communication networks? One promising direction is to fuse more environmental information to the network, such as building radio maps. Radio map is a data model that describes the wireless communication quality between any transmitter and receiver location pair. The technology has been successfully used for network planning, spectrum management, and fingerprint localization for over 20 years. However, conventional radio map techniques were limited to the case where the transmitter locations are fixed and the maps are usually 2-D by varying the horizontal receiver location only. Such a radio map is blind to the actual geographic environment, limiting the choice of control actions for adapting the network to the environment. However, allowing the transmitter location to vary is very challenging, because it effectively raises the radio map dimension from 2-D to 6-D. Consequently, classical methods for radio map sensing and construction will fail due to the exponentially increasing cost for collecting huge amount of measurement data.


In this talk, we start from classical applications of radio maps and the approaches to build them. Then, we explore two recent research directions: First, we establish new models and methods for sensing and constructing a 6-D radio map and a hidden environment map simultaneously; the environment map describes locations and shapes of buildings and vegetation in the neighborhood of the communication network. Second, we develop sparse signal processing techniques to construct a 2-D radio map from small samples, and demonstrate its advantage in received-signal-strength (RSS) based localization in harsh environment.


陳俊挺,博士,現任香港中文大學(深圳)理工學院助理教授,校長青年學者。他于2009年取得南京大學電子科學與技術學士學位,2015年獲香港科技大學電子及計算機工程博士學位。在加入香港中文大學(深圳)以前,從20152019年,他先後在法國歐洲通信研究院(EURECOM)、南加利福尼亞大學擔任博士後研究員,從事5G通信相關研究,從20142015年,他在麻省理工學院訪問,從事超寬帶室内定位研究。他在通信及信号處理領域國際頂級期刊會議上,發表論文60餘篇,其中在博士與博士後期間以第一作者身份,發表JCR一區期刊論文11篇。他在多個國際會議上擔任技術委員會委員、分會主席;他長期擔任信号處理、通信領域頂尖學術期刊審稿人。在科技成果轉化方面,他貢獻了一項美國專利(已授權)、3項歐盟專利、8項中國專利(7項已授權)。他被評為2018IEEE Wireless Communication Letters最佳審稿人榮譽,入選第十五批國家海外高層次人才計劃(青年)、入選“珠江人才計劃”青年拔尖人才。他的科研成果獲得2022年無線與光通信會議WOCC“高锟最佳論文”獎。他的研究興趣集中在無線通信與定位中的信号處理、優化與機器學習問題,尤其關注頻譜地圖、低空通信、MIMO通信等技術。
