“無限未來”學術論壇 | Renyi測度在信息洩露與估計中的新視角 (New interpretation of Renyi measures in information leakage and estimation)



New interpretation of Renyi measures in information leakage and estimation

時間:11月11日 (周一)上午十點

地點: 無線谷A5-315


In 1961, Alfrèd Rényi relaxed postulates for Shannon entropy to define an α-order uncertainty and relative uncertainty measures, named Rényi entropy and divergence, respectively. These two measures have been widely used in information transmission systems. This talk presents a Rényi information leakage measure via a cross entropy interpretation of Rényi entropy. Arimoto mutual information is shown to be an f-mean leakage measuring the difference between prior and posterior uncertainty. It is also shown that the Rényi divergence is an f-mean information gain that quantifies the information gain on private data at the adversary, i.e., another Rényi information leakage measure. We will also discuss the application of the proposed Rényi measure in generative adversarial networks (GANs) and pattern recognition.


丁妮,在網絡安全領域有着深厚背景和豐富經驗的學者,目前擔任新西蘭奧克蘭大學計算機科學學院的講師,專注于網絡安全的教學與研究。先後在澳大利亞新南威爾士大學獲得電信學一級榮譽學士學位,并于2017年在澳大利亞國立大學完成了電氣工程博士學位。丁妮博士曾在奧克蘭大學和墨爾本大學教授過包括網絡安全、量子軟件基礎和機器學習在内的多門課程。在學術研究方面,丁妮博士的研究興趣廣泛,涵蓋信息理論優化、無線通信、信号處理和機器學習等多個領域,特别關注信息論中的隐私保護技術、最優信息流問題以及具有強結構特征的game theory。她曾獲得包括奧克蘭大學研究發展基金、墨爾本大學早期職業研究員獎在内的多項榮譽和獎項,目前參與TIT, ISIT, Electronics等學術期刊的審稿工作。
